• Check individual battery voltages and ensure open circuit voltage (OCV) is above 2.13V per cell or 12.8V per battery and all cells / batteries being installed in a string are within +/- 0.03V for 2V cells & within +/- 0.18V for 12V batteries. If the cell or battery voltages vary beyond this, then the cell / battery voltages have to be equalized. Failure to do so will lead to early failures.
  • Connect batteries in such a way that OCV’s are in descending order from the positive terminal of the UPS i.e. If the battery voltages in a 4 battery system are 12.81V, 12.83V, 12.84V & 12.81V then batteries should be connected in the following order from the positive terminal of the UPS, 12.84V, 12.83V, 12.81V, 12.81V.
  • Connect the right terminal, choose the appropriate cable, and install the connectors firmly. Use a torque wrench and terminal protection to avoid short circuit.
  • Ensure batteries are placed on a rack insulated from the ground. Use rubber or wooden strips under the rack legs. If batteries are placed on the ground directly, ensure it’s placed on a rubber mat or wooden slab or any insulated material to prevent grounding.
  • Use battery in a good ventilated room / location
  • Check for proper torque at terminal bolt connections. Use a torque wrench wherever possible. If not, ensure the bolts are not loose, at the same time not over tightened.
  • For Relicell Aquasafe batteries, the recombination will work only if the Aquasafe vent plugs are installed. Do not over tighten the plugs during installation.