Charge the battery at a constant voltage of 2.275V/Cell (27°C). When charging at an ambient temperature of 5°C or below or 35°C or above, it is necessary to adjust the charge voltage in relation to the temperature. The temperature coefficient should be ± 4mV/°C cell (+ if temperature is lower and – if temperature is higher).
Initial charge current should be 0.20CA (where C is the nominal capacity value and A is amperes) or less.
Charge the battery as an ambient temperature from 5°C to 35°C to prevent any adverse effects on its effective life.
For cyclic use
Charge the battery at a constant voltage of 2.275V/Cell (27°C). When charging at an ambient temperature of 5°C or below or 35°C or above, it is necessary to adjust the charge voltage in relation to the temperature. The temperature coefficient should be ± 4mV/°C cell (+ if temperature is lower and – if temperature is higher).
Initial charge current should be 0.20CA (where C is the nominal capacity value and A is amperes) or less.
Charge the battery as an ambient temperature from 5°C to 35°C to prevent any adverse effects on its effective life.